Key performance indicators (KPI)
In order to establish a proper evolution of the project we must obtain metrics which will allow us identify improvements.
KPI identify improvement fields, whereas OKR define objectives and actions we will take in order to improve our project. Many OKRs (objectives) are defined by KPIs.
KPI can be both qualitative (client opinion) as quantitative (numeric data). They allow visualize improvements and request them to stakeholders.
If we dispose of metrics regarding how the project is going, we can define better improvement objectives. If we have objectives without metrics, we must make that new objectives are measurable (add metrics) once they are finished, in order to measure its impact.
We can use software as Google Spreadsheet where in first column we have the name of the KPIs, definition of how to calculate, the unit, the objective and the person responsible of it
There are another three Numeric quantitative indicators:
- Service Level Indicators (SLI): shows how good is the service
- Service Level Objective (SLO): Where do we want to get
- Service Level Agreement (SLA): bonus or penalties of achieving SLO
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